To bring emotional healing to people affected by war or conflict.
Individuals restored, hope renewed, relationships transformed, and communities living in peace, for the glory of Christ.
OUR Values
We love because God first loved us, and we follow Jesus’ example of compassion, obedience, and service to others.
We pursue healing for everyone because we are all made in God’s image. Our passion for people is evident in all we do.
We step out in faith, and we walk toward the challenges we face in spite of our fears.
We give our best: to every person, every program, every task, and every situation, while always striving to improve ourselves.
We do what is right, honest, gracious, and in the best interest of others. We walk in accountability with God, each other, and ourselves.
Tutapona has been working with forcibly displaced people affected by war and conflict in Uganda since 2008, Kurdistan, Iraq since 2016, and eastern Europe since 2022. Since our beginning, more than 77,000 people have taken part in one of our mental health programs. We see exciting results among participants, with a measurable reduction in their trauma symptomology, increased well-being, and increased resilience to face future challenges. Mental health impacts every aspect of life from family, livelihood, education, physical health, and community relationships, and we seek to empower individuals and communities to not only overcome hardships but to thrive because of them.