Mental Health is for Everyone

Mental Health Insights from our Staff

For Mental Health May we asked our teams how they take care of their mental health- a topic they are very familiar with.

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No matter who we are, where we come from, or what we experience in life, it’s essential to take care of our mental health. Mental health is every bit as important as physical health, and whether we’re dealing with daily stressors, a mental health condition, or a trauma, there are strategies we can use and good habits we can practice that can help with maintaining good, overall mental health.


This past year reminded us all how important it is to take care of ourselves and how mental health is to our overall well-being. At Tutapona, self-care is something we not only educate our program participants about, but we practice ourselves on a regular basis.

At Tutapona, we work with people who are on their emotional healing journeys. Through one-on-one therapeutic support, adult group programming, family support sessions, children’s therapeutic programming, and community training, we walk alongside those who have lived through war and conflict. We hear stories of tragedy, loss, and suffering daily. And in order to support others, it is essential that we take care of ourselves well.


We also have the honor of seeing healing and hope restored. When we hear people are sleeping better, making peace with their enemies, starting work again to provide for their families, strengthening their marriages, no longer living in isolation, going back to school, we know healing is happening! This continues to motivate us and inspire us. It truly reinforces what the meaning of Tutapona is in Swahili- “Together we are healing.”

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness month, we asked our staff what they do to take care of their mental health in hopes to share ideas with you and getting the conversations started in your communities around mental health, self-care, healing, and hope. 



“On my weekends I meet my friends and we do sports together and we walk through nature- this is also very helpful for me.” -Nariman, Programs Manager, Kurdistan

“I also make sure that I recuperate by taking some time off work to connect with friends, and my family, siblings, and the people that are so important in my life. And I don’t go one single day without laughing. This makes me healthy and keeps my mental health always well-nourished. Thank you. I encourage you to take care of your mental health!” -Alex, Associate Clinical Therapist, Adjumani

"I also take care of my mental health by evolving myself with people that encourage me. Turning to people that encourage me and give me a positive attitude and feedback- this is good for my mental health. -Rose, Clinical Therapist, Adjumani

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Physical Care: 

“I have to eat my meals regularly and drink enough water.” -Arinaitwe, Finance and Admin Officer

“[...] I go jogging with my husband twice a week.” - Jesca Rosa Atala, Program Associate, Kampala

“And I do skin-care once a week that also makes me feel refreshed and better.” -Nariman, Programs Manager, Kurdistan

“I practice my mental health self-care by eating regularly, doing a lot of exercise, and getting enough sleep.” -Walter, Driver and Special Assistant, Adjumani

“ I take care of my mental health by singing and dancing, getting enough sleep, eating well, and visiting friends on the weekends.” -Irene, Senior Field Facilitator, Adjumani

“I was one of those infected with Coronavirus. First, we must believe in God and be patient, and I know that this disease was sent by God and thank God that I am cured of the disease. I was reading a specific book and practicing breathing exercises as directed by the doctor when I recovered from Corona and returned to normal life and the quarantine period ended. After that, I practiced various sports with my friends and in my spare time I was studying computer programs.” -Haval, Driver, Kurdistan 

“I also practice my mental health care by resting enough- especially at night. I also practice my mental health care by exercising my body- I run a lot. I do a lot of exercise!” -Agnes, Field Facilitator, Adjumani


Spiritual Nourishment:

“I take care of my mental health by staying connected with God through prayer, reading His word, cultivating healthy relationships with loved ones, and spending time in His beautiful creation!” -Carl, CEO & Co-Founder

“I'm part of a local church group that meets for bible study and fellowship once a week" -Jesca, Program Associate, Kampala

“I take care of my mental health by praying to God- for me and everyone.” - Areen, Field Facilitator, Kurdistan

“And every day before I go to sleep I pray that God gives me peace.” -Baxtiyar, Field Facilitator, Kurdistan

Emotional Regulation/ Introspection: 

"I practice self-care by having a fifteen to thirty-minute guided imagery exercise thrice a week [...]” Jesca, Program Associate, Kampala

“I practice mental health care by dealing with uncomfortable emotions like anger, bitterness, and fear.” -Agnes, Field Facilitator, Adjumani

“I take care of my mental health by maintaining a positive attitude. This makes me feel confident and proud of myself. I also take care of my mental health by listening to feedback. If the feedback is negative or positive, you’ve got to be able to handle it in a better way as a therapist. I also take care of my mental health by being grateful- gratitude! Being thankful in everything that I do. One or two things to be thankful for every day- that's very good for mental well-being.” -Rose, Clinical Therapist, Adjumani

“I try to always see the positive aspects in any given situation. Sometimes, when things get busy or overwhelming, it is not always the go-to reaction. But once I focus on what is positive, it is easier to see all the other positives, and even some humor in a situation!” - Chaundra, Director of Communications, Tutapona International

“I take care of my mental health by visualizations and observing stillness works so much for me and I also incorporate it with deep breathing- it helps me to focus. In the mornings i do deep breathing, also in the evening sometimes. And when I do the program with the participants I do all these skills- they are so profound in my life. I encourage people all over the world to care for their mental health because this is a key to life.” -Martin, Senior Field Facilitator Adjumani

“I work through difficult emotions and pay attention to where they come from as well as how my body might be responding to stressful situations and utilize grounding techniques when I need to.” -Julia, Communications Officer, Tutapona International


“I practice self-care by taking trips to my hometown and having a great time in nature there, and sometimes I go with my cousins to a farm in one of their villages and stay there for a night on a weekend.” -Alaa, Field Facilitator, Kurdistan

“And I practice self-care by taking time for myself and things I like.” -Areen, Field Facilitator, Kurdistan.

“Self-care is not always easy with children around! But I make sure to make time to do things I love, like going for a run or hike. If I can plan regular time for myself, it gives me the energy to do what I need to do, and have fun with the kids, too! - Chaundra, Director of Communications, Tutapona International

“When I'm not okay or something sad happens to me, I go alone somewhere that has water, like a river or lake and play a sport and breathe deeply.” -Baxtiyar, Field Facilitator, Kurdistan.

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Hobbies and Fun: 

“I practice self-care by doing things that make me feel happy or joy like listening to music that gives me good energy when I wake up.” -Nariman, Programs Manager, Kurdistan

“I take care of my self-care by reading books; I also like listening to music. I also like socializing with friends, visiting friends, and also talking to people that I love. That’s how I take care of myself.” -Rose, Clinical Therapist, Adjumani

“We play cards, play musical instruments, and sing. Also, I do sports like bicycling and playing football in a small stadium. And I play video games sometimes.” -Alaa, Field Facilitator, Kurdistan

“When I see or hear something that affects me like people’s difficult stories or tragic events, I take care of myself by doing deep breathing exercises, drawing, praying, and listening to some of my favorite music.” -Rozana, Field Facilitator, Kurdistan

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Healthy Boundaries:

“I take care of all my tasks timely so I don’t procrastinate- that could be a stressing factor or burnout for me.” -Alex, Associate Clinical Therapist, Adjumani

“I have to be careful I’m not spending too much time on Social Media. I try to avoid scrolling on my phone in the mornings and some days I’ll avoid Social Media entirely. ” -Julia, Communications, Tutapona International.

“I practice my mental health and self-care by making sure I think positively and most of the time when people don’t give me compliments, I’m making sure I’m complimenting myself. ” -Arinaitwe, Finance and Admin Officer